⇦ | gwakeonlan [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 02:10 [UTC]

Hints for gwakeonlan in main

com.muflone.gwakeonlan ⚙ all


  • asv-desktop-entry-bad-data
    gwakeonlan.desktop - Key file contains key “Comment[ru]” which has a value that cannot be interpreted.
    Error while reading some data from the desktop-entry file.


  • asv-description-first-para-too-short
    :8 - A free GTK+ application to awake your machines using Wake on LAN
    The first `description/p` paragraph of this component might be too short (< 80 characters). Please consider starting with a longer paragraph to improve how the description looks like in software centers and to provide more detailed information on this component immediately in the first paragraph.
  • asv-url-not-secure
    :20 - http://www.muflone.com/gwakeonlan/
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.
  • asv-url-not-secure
    :23 - http://www.muflone.com/contacts/
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :28 - http://www.muflone.com/resources/gwakeonlan/archive/latest/english/main.png
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :31 - http://www.muflone.com/resources/gwakeonlan/archive/latest/english/detail.png
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :34 - http://www.muflone.com/resources/gwakeonlan/archive/latest/english/about.png
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.