Hints for glabels in main
glabels-3.0.desktop ⚙ amd64
The icon 'glabels-3.0' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:- The icon is not present in the archive.
- The icon is in a wrong directory.
- The icon is not available in a suitable size (at least 64x64px)
- On Debian and Ubuntu, the icon is a symlink. The generator cannot read symlinks on these distributions - make the icon a real file.
and ensure theIcon=
value of the .desktop file is set correctly.
Unable to add languages information, even though atranslation
tag was present in the MetaInfo file. Please check that its value is set correctly, and all locale files are placed in the right directories (e.g./usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/
for Gettext .mo files). -
Error while downloading screenshot from 'http://glabels.org/images/320-screenshot-main.png': URL was not found on the server.
This might be a temporary server issue, or the screenshot is no longer available.
- glabels-3.0.desktop
The component ID might not follow the reverse domain-name schema (the TLD used by it is not known to the validator). -
- glabels-3.0.desktop
The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`). -
- glabels-3.0.desktop: 0 → _0
The component ID contains a segment starting with a number. Starting a segment of the reverse-DNS ID with a number is strongly discouraged, to keep interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. Ideally, prefix these segments with an underscore. -
- glabels-3.0.desktop
The component is part of the GNOME project, but its ID does not start with GNOMEs reverse-DNS name ("org.gnome"). -
- Crează etichete, cărți de vizită și coperți media.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- Etiketler, kart vizitler ve medya kapakları oluşturun.
The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`). -
- http://glabels.org/images/320-screenshot-main.png
Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video. -
- http://glabels.org/
Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link. -
- http://www.gnome.org/friends/
Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link. -
This `desktop-application` component has no `desktop-id` launchable tag, however it contains all the necessary information to display the application. The omission of the launchable entry means that this application can not be launched directly from installers or software centers. If this is intended, this information can be ignored, otherwise it is strongly recommended to add a launchable tag as well. -
This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/