⇦ | tupi [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:19 [UTC]

Metadata for tupi in main

tupi.desktop - 0.2+git08-4+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: tupi.desktop
Package: tupi
  ru: 'Tupi: магия 2D'
  C: 'Tupi: 2D Magic'
  es: 'Tupí: Magia 2D'
  pt: 'Tupí: Magia 2D'
  ru: Создание двухмерной векторной анимации
  C: 2D Animation Toolkit
  es: Herramienta para Animación 2D
  pt: Ferramenta de animação 2D
  C: >-
    <p>Tupi: 2D Magic is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface
    experience focused on 8-100 years old kids. It&apos;s source code is based on the KTooN project.</p>

    <p>Some of its main features are: basic illustration tools (shapes, fill, text), gradient tools, onion skin, brushes editor,
    pencil with smoothness support, basic object library (for svg files and raster images) and many others.</p>

    <p>Using its modules of Animation and Reproduction you can export 2D projects to several formats as OGG, MPEG, AVI, MOV
    and SWF. Additionally, the option of exporting Image arrays as output is available.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Tupi: 2D Magic is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface
    experience focused on 8-100 years old kids. It&apos;s source code is based on the KTooN project.</p>

    <p>Some of its main features are: basic illustration tools (shapes, fill, text), gradient tools, onion skin, brushes editor,
    pencil with smoothness support, basic object library (for svg files and raster images) and many others.</p>

    <p>Using its modules of Animation and Reproduction you can export 2D projects to several formats as OGG, MPEG, AVI, MOV
    and SWF. Additionally, the option of exporting Image arrays as output is available.</p>
- Graphics
- 2DGraphics
- RasterGraphics
  - name: tupi_tupi.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: tupi
  - tupi.desktop
  - application/tup