⇦ | gdmap [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:19 [UTC]

Metadata for gdmap in main

gdmap.desktop - 0.8.1-5+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: gdmap.desktop
Package: gdmap
  he: מפת דיסק גרפית
  es: Graphical Disk Map
  fr: Représentation graphique du disque
  bg: Графична карта на диска
  de: Plattenspeicher anzeigen
  'no': Grafisk visning
  hr: Graficka disk mapa
  sv: Grafisk diskkarta
  it: Mappa grafica dischi
  C: Graphical Disk Map
  ru: Графическая карта диска
  da: Grafisk Kortlægning af Disken
  tr: Grafik Disk Haritasi
  nb: Grafisk visning
  he: הראה מקום בדיסק בעזרת מפות עץ
  es: Mostrar la utilización de disco usando Treemaps
  fr: Afficher l'espace disque disponible à l'aide d'une structure arborescente (Treemaps).
  bg: Показвай свободното пространство в дъвоиден стил
  de: Plattenspeicher graphisch darstellen
  'no': Vis diskbruk i trestruktur
  hr: Prikazi diskovni prostor koristeci drvo mapa
  sv: Visa diskutrymme med trädkartor
  it: Visualizza i file su disco utilizzando gli alberi
  C: Display disk space using tree maps
  ru: Показать место на диске пользующеся древовидными схемами
  da: Vis disk plads som træ
  tr: Disk alanını agac haritalarini kullanarak goster
  nb: Vis diskbruk i trestruktur
  C: >-
    <p>GdMap is a tool which allows you to visualize disk space. Ever wondered why your hard disk is full or what directory
    and files take up most of the space? With GdMap these questions can be answered quickly. To display directory structures
    cushion treemaps are used which visualize a complete folder or even the whole hard drive with one picture.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GdMap is a tool which allows you to visualize disk space. Ever wondered why your hard disk is full or what directory
    and files take up most of the space? With GdMap these questions can be answered quickly. To display directory structures
    cushion treemaps are used which visualize a complete folder or even the whole hard drive with one picture.</p>
- Filesystem
- Utility
  - name: gdmap_gdmap_icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: gdmap_icon
  - gdmap.desktop