⇦ | gbemol [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:19 [UTC]

Metadata for gbemol in main

gbemol.desktop - 0.3.2-2+b1 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: gbemol.desktop
Package: gbemol
  C: gbemol
  C: MPD client
  C: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Player
  - name: gbemol_gbemol.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: gbemol
  - gbemol.desktop

gbemol.desktop - 0.3.2-2+b2 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: gbemol.desktop
Package: gbemol
  C: gbemol
  C: MPD client
  C: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gbemol allows you to use MPD with a userfriendly interface. Features include an easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser,
    a two mode playlist, cover art support (APIC tag only, for now), system tray icon docking, song, album and artist information.</p>

    <p>Music Player Daemon is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files, streams and managing playlists.
    The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Player
  - name: gbemol_gbemol.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: gbemol
  - gbemol.desktop