⇦ | expeyes-doc-common [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:18 [UTC]

Metadata for expeyes-doc-common in main

expeyes-doc.desktop - 4.3-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: expeyes-doc.desktop
Package: expeyes-doc-common
  C: expEYES Manual
  C: expEYES User Manual
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
- Electronics
- Education
- Science
  - name: expeyes-doc-common_eyes-doc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: eyes-doc
  - expeyes-doc.desktop

progman-jr-doc.desktop - 4.3-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: progman-jr-doc.desktop
Package: expeyes-doc-common
  C: expEYES Junior Programmer Manual
  C: expEYES Junior Programmer Manual
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
- Electronics
- Education
- Science
  - name: expeyes-doc-common_expeyes-progman-jr-doc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: expeyes-progman-jr-doc
  - progman-jr-doc.desktop

expeyes-junior-doc.desktop - 4.3-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: expeyes-junior-doc.desktop
Package: expeyes-doc-common
  C: expEYES Junior Manual
  C: expEYES Junior User Manual
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides icons and desktop entries to launch a viewer with the documentation for expEYES.</p>

    <p>ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware &amp; software
    framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration.
    Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025%
    resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written
    in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open.</p>
- Electronics
- Education
- Science
  - name: expeyes-doc-common_eyesj-doc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: eyesj-doc
  - expeyes-junior-doc.desktop