⇦ | bambam [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:19 [UTC]

Metadata for bambam in main

bambam.desktop - 1.2.1+dfsg-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: bambam.desktop
Package: bambam
  ca: BamBam
  es: BamBam
  ko: BamBam
  de: BamBam
  pl: BamBam
  nb-NO: BamBam
  eo: BamBam
  C: BamBam
  es: Juego de teclado y garabatos para los bebés y los niños pequeños.
  pl: Gra w klawiaturę i bazgranie dla małych dzieci.
  eo: Klavaro-premaĉa kaj desegnaĉa ludo por beboj.
  ko: 영유아를 위한 키보드 매싱 및 낙서 게임.
  ca: Per a que els nadons i els nens petits matxuquin el teclat i facin gargots.
  de: Ein Tastendrückspiel für Babys und Kleinkinder.
  C: Keyboard mashing and doodling game for babies and toddlers.
  C: >-
    <p>Bambam is a simple baby keyboard masher application that locks the keyboard and mouse and instead displays bright colors,
    pictures, and sounds.</p>

    <p>Note: for safety it is recommended to run the game in a dedicated login session, rather than as an application in your
    regular session, especially when leaving your child unattended with the game. Look for session type BamBam in your display
    manager login screen.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Bambam is a simple baby keyboard masher application that locks the keyboard and mouse and instead displays bright colors,
    pictures, and sounds.</p>

    <p>Note: for safety it is recommended to run the game in a dedicated login session, rather than as an application in your
    regular session, especially when leaving your child unattended with the game. Look for session type BamBam in your display
    manager login screen.</p>
- Game
- KidsGame
  - bambam
  - baby
  - barn
  - spedbarn
  - spill
  - tastaturtrykking
  - mus
  - dodling
  - bambam
  - dziecko
  - niemowle
  - gra
  - klawiatura
  - mysz
  - bazgranie
  - rysowanie
  - bambam
  - bebo
  - infano
  - ludo
  - premaĉo
  - muso
  - desegnaĉo
  - bambam
  - baby
  - child
  - toddler
  - game
  - keyboard mashing
  - mouse
  - doodling
  - 뱀뱀
  - 아기
  - 어린이
  - 유아
  - 게임
  - 키보드 매싱
  - 마우스
  - 낙서
  - 탕탕
  - 퍽퍽
  - 팡팡
  - bambam
  - nadó
  - nen
  - nen petit
  - joc
  - utilitzar el teclat
  - ratolí
  - gargots
  - nena petita
  - bambam
  - bebé
  - niño
  - jóvenes
  - juego
  - teclado
  - ratón
  - garabatos
  - bambam
  - baby
  - child
  - toddler
  - game
  - keyboard mashing
  - mouse
  - doodling
  - name: bambam_bambam.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: bambam_bambam.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: bambam
  - bambam.desktop