⇦ | vlc [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:18 [UTC]

Hints for vlc in main

org.videolan.vlc ⚙ amd64


  • icon-not-found
    The icon 'vlc' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:
    • The icon is not present in the archive.
    • The icon is in a wrong directory.
    • The icon is not available in a suitable size (at least 64x64px)
    • On Debian and Ubuntu, the icon is a symlink. The generator cannot read symlinks on these distributions - make the icon a real file.
    To make the icon easier to find, place it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps and ensure the Icon= value of the .desktop file is set correctly.


  • asv-release-time-missing
    :104 - date
    The release is missing either the `date` (preferred) or the `timestamp` property.


  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :115 - http://images.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/2.0.0/vlc-2.0-poney.jpg
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :118 - http://images.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/2.0.0/vlc-2.0-gnome3-open.jpg
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-screenshot-media-url-not-secure
    :121 - http://images.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/2.0.0/vlc-2.0-gnome3-debian.jpg
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.
  • asv-content-rating-missing
    This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/