⇦ | mousepad [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:18 [UTC]

Hints for mousepad in main

org.xfce.mousepad ⚙ amd64


  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :61 - Mousepad er et simpelt tekstredigeringsprogram til Xfce-skrivebordsmiljøet.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :64 - Mousepad es editor de texto sencillo para el entorno de escritorio Xfce.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :66 - Mousepad Xfce mahaigain ingurunerako testu editore sinple bat da.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :68 - Mousepad est un éditeur de texte simple pour l’environnement de bureau Xfce.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :70 - Mousepad je jednostavni uređivač teksta za Xfce radno okruženje.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :77 - Umożliwia proste edytowanie tekstu w środowisku graficznym Xfce.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :82 - Mousepad je preprost urejevalnik besedila za Xfce namizno okolje.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :83 - Mousepad është një përpunues i shpejtë tekstesh për mjedisin desktop Xfce.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    :85 - Mousepad är en enkel textredigerare för Xfce-skrivbordsmiljön.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).