⇦ | gnome-tweaks [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:18 [UTC]

Hints for gnome-tweaks in main

org.gnome.tweaks ⚙ all


  • asv-release-description-outside-tag
    :302 - ul
    The release description must be put inside a `description` tag
  • asv-release-description-outside-tag
    :310 - p
    The release description must be put inside a `description` tag
  • asv-release-description-outside-tag
    :310 - ul
    The release description must be put inside a `description` tag
  • asv-release-description-outside-tag
    :323 - ul
    The release description must be put inside a `description` tag
  • asv-desktop-app-launchable-missing
    This `desktop-application` component is missing a `desktop-id` launchable tag. This means that this application can not be launched and has no association with its desktop-entry file. It also means no icon data or category information from the desktop-entry file will be available, which will result in this application being ignored entirely.
  • asv-releases-not-in-order
    - 40.0 << 40.beta
    The releases are not sorted in a latest to oldest version order. This is required as some tools will assume that the latest version is always at the top. Sorting releases also increases overall readability of the metainfo file.


  • asv-description-first-para-too-short
    :182 - GNOME Tweaks allows adjusting advanced GNOME options.
    The first `description/p` paragraph of this component might be too short (< 80 characters). Please consider starting with a longer paragraph to improve how the description looks like in software centers and to provide more detailed information on this component immediately in the first paragraph.
  • asv-nonstandard-gnome-extension
    :337 - kudos
    This tag is a GNOME-specific extension to AppStream and not part of the official specification. Do not expect it to work in all implementations and in all software centers.
  • asv-content-rating-missing
    This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/