⇦ | galternatives [main]
Last updated on: 2024-05-10 08:18 [UTC]

Hints for galternatives in main

org.debian.galternatives ⚙ all


  • asv-metainfo-localized-description-tag
    :24 - description
    A <description/> tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual paragraphs instead.
  • asv-metainfo-localized-description-tag
    :25 - description
    A <description/> tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual paragraphs instead.
  • asv-metainfo-localized-description-tag
    :26 - description
    A <description/> tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual paragraphs instead.
  • asv-metainfo-localized-description-tag
    :27 - description
    A <description/> tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual paragraphs instead.
  • asv-tag-invalid-text-content
    :39 - content_rating
    The mentioned tag has text content, even though it must not contain text.


  • asv-description-first-word-not-capitalized
    :27 -
    The description line does not start with a capitalized word, project name or number.