⇦ | umps3 [main]
Last updated on: 2024-07-09 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for umps3 in main

umps3.desktop - 3.0.4-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: umps3.desktop
Package: umps3
  C: µMPS3
  C: Virtual machine simulator based around the MIPS R2/3000 microprocessor
  C: >-
    <p>µMPS is an educational computer system architecture and an accompanying emulator designed from the ground up to achieve
    the right trade-off between simplicity and elegance on one side, and realism on the other. This makes µMPS ideally suited
    for use in education, such as hands-on operating systems or computer architecture university courses.</p>

    <p>The µMPS processor implements the MIPS I instruction set, and can therefore be supported out of the box by existing
    MIPS compilers. The architecture details a complete set of I/O devices (terminals, disks, flash devices, printers, and
    network adapters) that feature a clean, consistent, programming interface. The previous revision of the µMPS architecture
    (µMPS2) brings multiprocessor support.</p>

    <p>The emulator comes with built-in debugging features and an easy to use graphical user interface. Apart from the emulator
    itself, several support utilities are provided that can get you quickly started in developing programs for µMPS.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>µMPS is an educational computer system architecture and an accompanying emulator designed from the ground up to achieve
    the right trade-off between simplicity and elegance on one side, and realism on the other. This makes µMPS ideally suited
    for use in education, such as hands-on operating systems or computer architecture university courses.</p>

    <p>The µMPS processor implements the MIPS I instruction set, and can therefore be supported out of the box by existing
    MIPS compilers. The architecture details a complete set of I/O devices (terminals, disks, flash devices, printers, and
    network adapters) that feature a clean, consistent, programming interface. The previous revision of the µMPS architecture
    (µMPS2) brings multiprocessor support.</p>

    <p>The emulator comes with built-in debugging features and an easy to use graphical user interface. Apart from the emulator
    itself, several support utilities are provided that can get you quickly started in developing programs for µMPS.</p>
- Education
- Emulator
  - umps
  - umps3
  - name: umps3_umps3.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: umps3_umps3.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: umps3
  - umps3.desktop