⇦ | kicad [main]
Last updated on: 2024-07-09 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for kicad in main

eeschema.desktop - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: eeschema.desktop
Package: kicad
  C: Eeschema (Standalone)
  fr: Dessiner des schémas électroniques (Standalone)
  zh-CN: KiCad 电子原理图设计 (单机版)
  C: KiCad electronic schematic design (standalone)
  it: Progettazione di schemi elettrici (Standalone)
  C: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
- Science
- Electronics
  - Schematic
  - Editor
  - name: kicad_eeschema.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_eeschema.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_eeschema.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: e/ee/eeschema.desktop/fe18c3cf1d37b933d986177d8ed18d4e/icons/128x128/kicad_eeschema.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: eeschema
  - eeschema.desktop
  - application/x-kicad-schematic

pcbnew.desktop - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: pcbnew.desktop
Package: kicad
  C: Pcbnew (Standalone)
  zh-CN: KiCad 印刷电路板布局 (单机版)
  C: KiCad printed circuit board layout (standalone)
  it: Disegno di circuiti stampati con KiCad (standalone)
  C: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
- Science
- Electronics
  - PCB
  - Circuit
  - Layout
  - Design
  - Editor
  - Footprint
  - name: kicad_pcbnew.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_pcbnew.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_pcbnew.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/pc/pcbnew.desktop/4fbd8b984c13371456a616955b048fa3/icons/128x128/kicad_pcbnew.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: pcbnew
  - pcbnew.desktop
  - application/x-kicad-pcb

gerbview.desktop - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: gerbview.desktop
Package: kicad
  C: GerbView
  zh-CN: 查看 Gerber 文件
  C: View Gerber files
  it: Visualizza file in formato Gerber
  C: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
- Science
- Electronics
  - PCB
  - Viewer
  - name: kicad_gerbview.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_gerbview.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_gerbview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: g/ge/gerbview.desktop/85fca3b6b57abcc0488cd84d162281fc/icons/128x128/kicad_gerbview.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: gerbview
  - gerbview.desktop
  - application/x-gerber
  - application/x-excellon

bitmap2component.desktop - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: bitmap2component.desktop
Package: kicad
  C: Bitmap to Component Converter
  zh-CN: 从位图创建用于 KiCad 的元件
  C: Create a component from a bitmap for use with KiCad
  it: Crea un componente KiCad da un'immagine bitmap
  C: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
- Science
- Electronics
  - Bitmap
  - Converter
  - name: kicad_bitmap2component.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_bitmap2component.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_bitmap2component.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: b/bi/bitmap2component.desktop/6f7631cbb0d675db9e2ba13055dd4a6c/icons/128x128/kicad_bitmap2component.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: bitmap2component
  - bitmap2component.desktop
  - application/x-bitmap2component-project

org.kicad_pcb.kicad - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.kicad_pcb.kicad
Package: kicad
  C: KiCad
  zh_CN: EDA 工具箱
  sv: EDA Programpaket
  C: EDA Suite
  it: Suite EDA
  de: EDA Lösung
  sv: >-
          KiCad är ett plattformslös och öppen källkods programpaket för elektronisk
          design automatisering. KiCad innehåller program för utveckling och redigering
          av kretsscheman och tryckta kretskort samt för export av kretskort,
          t.ex. med Gerber-format.
  C: >-
          A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite.
          The programs handle Schematic Capture, and PCB Layout with Gerber output.
  zh_CN: >-
           该程序处理原理图设计、和 PCB 布局与 Gerber 输出。
  it: >-
          KiCad è una soluzione software EDA (Electronic Design Automation) gratuita
          e multipiattaforma. Contiene programmi per lo sviluppo e la modifica di
          schemi elettrici e circuiti stampati esportabili in formato Gerber.
  de: >-
          KiCad ist eine Plattform übergreifende freie Software Lösung für
          Elektronische Design-Automation (EDA). KiCad enthält Programme zum
          Entwickeln und Bearbeiten von elektronischen Schaltplänen und Leiterplatten
          als auch zum Export von Leiterplatten, z.B. per Gerber Format.
  C: The KiCad Developers
ProjectLicense: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- Science
- Electronics
  - KiCad
  - EDA
  - PCB
  - Schema
  - PcbNew
  - Eeschema
  homepage: https://kicad-pcb.org/
  bugtracker: https://kicad-pcb.org/help/report-a-bug/
  help: https://docs.kicad-pcb.org/
  donation: https://kicad-pcb.org/
  - name: kicad_kicad.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_kicad.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_kicad.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/kicad_pcb/kicad/b0baf0a1015cf2343f2bb6159db47451/icons/128x128/kicad_kicad.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: kicad
  - kicad.desktop
  - kicad
  - eeschema
  - pcbnew
  - gerbview
  - pl_editor
  - bitmap2component
  - pcb_calculator
  - application/x-kicad-project
- locale: ca
  percentage: 47
- locale: cs
  percentage: 94
- locale: de
  percentage: 98
- locale: el
  percentage: 50
- locale: en
  percentage: 98
- locale: en_US
  percentage: 100
- locale: es
  percentage: 79
- locale: fr
  percentage: 98
- locale: hu
  percentage: 97
- locale: it
  percentage: 98
- locale: ja
  percentage: 98
- locale: lt
  percentage: 32
- locale: pl
  percentage: 98
- locale: pt
  percentage: 98
- locale: ru
  percentage: 98
- locale: zh_CN
  percentage: 100
- locale: zh_TW
  percentage: 79
- version: 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1660867200
  oars-1.1: {}

pcbcalculator.desktop - 5.1.9+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: pcbcalculator.desktop
Package: kicad
  C: PCB Calculator
  zh-CN: 用于各种电子相关计算的计算器
  C: Calculator for various electronics-related computations
  it: Calcolatore per CAD e varie grandezze elettroniche
  C: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic editor, a PCB layout
    tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated PCB.</p>

    <p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p>

    <p> * kicad - project manager  * eeschema - schematic editor  * pcbnew - PCB editor  * gerbview - GERBER viewer  * cvpcb
    - footprint selector for components</p>

    <p>Libraries:  * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their    components and footprints  *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items  * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key    words, allowing a fast search by function  * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints  * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>
- Science
- Electronics
  - PCB
  - Caculator
  - name: kicad_pcbcalculator.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: kicad_pcbcalculator.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: kicad_pcbcalculator.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/pc/pcbcalculator.desktop/0d29ca5ff5f220f85e62588a6b64126c/icons/128x128/kicad_pcbcalculator.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: pcbcalculator
  - pcbcalculator.desktop