⇦ | icebreaker [main]
Last updated on: 2024-07-09 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for icebreaker in main

icebreaker.desktop - 1.21-12 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: icebreaker.desktop
Package: icebreaker
  C: IceBreaker
  C: Melt an iceberg into small pieces, in order to trap the penguins
  C: >-
    <p>So, uh, there&apos;s a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they
    can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination.</p>

    <p>In order to trap the penguins, you&apos;ll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They&apos;re afraid of water,
    for no apparent reason. Ah well. &quot;The Matrix&quot; had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
    this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.</p>

    <p>Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage
    to get rid of more than that, you&apos;ll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. &quot;score&quot;).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>So, uh, there&apos;s a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they
    can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination.</p>

    <p>In order to trap the penguins, you&apos;ll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They&apos;re afraid of water,
    for no apparent reason. Ah well. &quot;The Matrix&quot; had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
    this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.</p>

    <p>Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage
    to get rid of more than that, you&apos;ll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. &quot;score&quot;).</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: icebreaker_icebreaker_48.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: icebreaker_icebreaker_48.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: icebreaker_48
  - icebreaker.desktop

icebreaker.desktop - 1.21-12+b1 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: icebreaker.desktop
Package: icebreaker
  C: IceBreaker
  C: Melt an iceberg into small pieces, in order to trap the penguins
  C: >-
    <p>So, uh, there&apos;s a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they
    can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination.</p>

    <p>In order to trap the penguins, you&apos;ll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They&apos;re afraid of water,
    for no apparent reason. Ah well. &quot;The Matrix&quot; had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
    this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.</p>

    <p>Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage
    to get rid of more than that, you&apos;ll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. &quot;score&quot;).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>So, uh, there&apos;s a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they
    can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination.</p>

    <p>In order to trap the penguins, you&apos;ll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They&apos;re afraid of water,
    for no apparent reason. Ah well. &quot;The Matrix&quot; had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
    this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.</p>

    <p>Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage
    to get rid of more than that, you&apos;ll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. &quot;score&quot;).</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: icebreaker_icebreaker_48.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: icebreaker_icebreaker_48.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: icebreaker_48
  - icebreaker.desktop