⇦ | fbreader [main]
Last updated on: 2024-07-09 02:14 [UTC]

Metadata for fbreader in main

fbreader.desktop - 0.12.10dfsg2-4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: fbreader.desktop
Package: fbreader
  ru: Чтение электронных книг
  zh-CN: 电子书阅读
  C: E-book reader
  ar: قارئ الكتب الإلكترونية
  es: Lector de Libros
  ru: FBReader, программа для чтения электронных книг
  zh-CN: FBReader 电子书阅读器
  C: FBReader E-book reader
  ar: قارئ الكتب الإلكترونية
  es: FBReader Lector de Libros Elecrónicos
  C: >-
    <p>FBReader is an e-book reader.</p>

    <p>Main features:  * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,    palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text),
    rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM&apos;ed    mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader  * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip,
    bzip2 archives (you can have    several books in one archive)  * supports a structured view of your e-book collection 
    * automatically determines encodings  * automatically generates a table of contents  * keeps the last open book and the
    last read positions for all open books    between runs  * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included) 
    * searching and downloading books from www.feedbooks.com and www.litres.ru  * partial CSS support for epub files</p>
  en: >-
    <p>FBReader is an e-book reader.</p>

    <p>Main features:  * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,    palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text),
    rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM&apos;ed    mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader  * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip,
    bzip2 archives (you can have    several books in one archive)  * supports a structured view of your e-book collection 
    * automatically determines encodings  * automatically generates a table of contents  * keeps the last open book and the
    last read positions for all open books    between runs  * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included) 
    * searching and downloading books from www.feedbooks.com and www.litres.ru  * partial CSS support for epub files</p>
- Office
- Viewer
- Literature
  - name: fbreader_FBReader.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: FBReader
  - FBReader.desktop