⇦ | claws-mail [main]
Last updated on: 2024-07-09 02:13 [UTC]

Metadata for claws-mail in main

claws-mail.desktop - 3.17.8-1+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: claws-mail.desktop
Package: claws-mail
  C: Claws Mail
  es: Cliente de correo rápido y ligero basado en GTK+
  sv: Lättviktig och snabb GTK+-baserad E-postklient
  sk: Odľahčený a rýchly poštový klient, založený na GTK+
  he: לקוח דואר קל משקל ומהיר מבוסס +GTK
  ja: 軽量で早いGTK+ベースのEメールクライアント
  ca: Client de correu electrònic ràpid i lleuger basat en GTK+
  fi: Kevyt ja nopea GTK+-pohjainen sähköpostiohjelma
  tr: GTK+ temelli hafif ve hızlı bir E-posta İstemcisi
  lt: Lengvas ir greitas el. pašto klientas GTK+ pagrindu
  fr: Client de messagerie électronique, rapide et léger, en GTK+
  pl: Program pocztowy używający GTK+
  pt: Cliente de e-mail leve e rápido, baseado em GTK+
  id: Pembaca e-mail berbasis GTK+ yang cepat dan ringan
  C: Lightweight and Fast GTK+ based Mail Client
  cs: Lehký a rychlý mailový klient založený na GTK+
  hu: Pehelysúlyú és gyors GTK+ alapú levelezőkliens
  da: Letvægts og hurtig GTK+ baseret e-post klient
  ru: Быстрый почтовый клиент на базе GTK+
  C: >-
    <p>Claws Mail is a powerful and full-featured mail client formerly called Sylpheed-Claws. It is also extensible using
    loadable plugins, which can provide support for additional features, like other storage formats, feed reader, calendar
    management, mail filtering, etc.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Claws Mail is a powerful and full-featured mail client formerly called Sylpheed-Claws. It is also extensible using
    loadable plugins, which can provide support for additional features, like other storage formats, feed reader, calendar
    management, mail filtering, etc.</p>
- Network
- Email
  - lightweight
  - fast
  - gui
  - extensible
  - plugin
  - pop
  - pop3
  - imap
  - imap4
  - nntp
  - news
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/cl/claws-mail.desktop/237fc6d4f9425bb2a34130ac60d539fe/icons/128x128/claws-mail_claws-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: claws-mail
  - claws-mail.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/mailto